Find Family Heritage Genealogy

Find Family Heritage Genealogy

Family Heritage Genealogy research can you tell you a lot about your unique ancestry and heritage. Wouldn't you like to step back in time and trace your ancestors? You can trace your family ancestry in millions of records worldwide.

This research can be tedious, and sometimes very difficult. However, there are several websites available, that can help you start your path to finding your families ancestral heritage. You never know what you may uncover about your family. Find out if your great uncle really was a cattle thief or if you're somehow related to the royals.

Start with what you know. You can begin by filling out a pedigree chart either on paper or online. Fill in as much as you can based on your own memory, then leave question marks indicating what you'll need to research in the coming months.

When starting out researching family history firstly start with other family members,
look for photos, copies of birth, marriage and death certificates and memories of older members of the family, but remember memories will need to be checked against original sources.

Archive Offices can be found in all major centres, most have excellent web sites, great for initial research, and many documents can now be ordered on line for a small fee.

Pay attention to spelling. Variations in spelling (especially surname spellings) can
affect the amount of information that you find. Be sure to try alternate spellings every
time you search for a name.

Local registry offices are another great source but the staff are not archivists and you generally need to pre-arrange visits. Cite your sources. As with any major research project, you'll want to ensure accuracy by keeping track of your sources. For every record that you use, record the title, a microfilm or volume number and a page number.

Libraries and reference libraries are another Family Heritage Genealogy source, there are also lots of special collections libraries, newspaper libraries and University
libraries for example the Hartley Collection at Southampton University Library for local records, the Mitchell Library in Glasgow which holds the Lipton collection and the Illustrated News Archive.

Read up on history. Learning more about the historical background and migration
patterns of your ancestors will help your track down important sources of information, such as local histories, regional maps, town directories and gazetteers (geographical dictionaries).

If you are feeling brave there is nothing like looking at the original sources and if
you are near a University or College you will often find they offer short course of
palaeography, the art of reading old documents. With the development of film and
photography in the nineteenth century there is now another archive source.

Local museums and galleries are another place to search, they are always looking for volunteers, a great way to get to rummage! we found paintings, photographs and other artefacts in the stores, there is always much more hidden away then is ever seen on display!

Church yards with their gravestones and memorials can also be an additional source of information.

Nowadays with the web there has been a huge increase of interest in genealogy and there are a whole range of genealogy web sites that can offer help. Local history societies are another great source and there are a number of these dotted around. Share your discoveries. Once you've compiled at least a portion of your genealogy, you can begin to share it with friends, family members and fellow researchers.

With unique access to a privately owned manuscript (said to the most important attachment to history since the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls) and religious sites across the world, Ronald Rayner's new book is not just for those with a connection to the Clinton name. It is for anyone interested in English family history and how the paths of the past are connected to the paths of our present and our future.





Find Family Heritage Genealogy